Offers for Bachelor and Master Theses

In the section "Current Theses", you'll find our currently available Bachelor and Master theses. The topic of each thesis is usually closely linked to a research topic of a scientific employee, who is offering the topic.

If you are interested in a specific topic, please contact (phone, e-mail) the corresponding employee directly and arrange for a nonbinding conversation. Even if you are not fully convinced a certain thesis would be best suited for you, it will be beneficial to initiate a contact, if you find the topic appealing. Often such conversations lead to new ideas and we have the flexibility to respond to your interests and skills by adapting the topic. Should you have questions about the general procedure, or are interested a topic that's not listed below, please contact Dr. Holger Jäkel.

The section "Finished Theses" contains a list of finished theses. These should give you an idea about the research topics previously processed by the employees of the institute. Possibly, you will have the opportunity to continue on or another of these topics. A guideline here is also to contact the employee and arrange a nonbinding conversation.

If you have an own idea or suggestion for a theses that is not listed here, please contact Holger Jäkel! We are always willing and interested to purse new and interesting directions in communications engineering.

Also note that some of the topics listed below are in German. If you require assistance in translating the contents, please do not hesitate to contact us.

ETIT Project

As an alternative to the industrial internship, you can conduct multiple interesting projects at the CEL in the broad scope of communications. You can conduct the projects either alone or in a group. For more details, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Current Theses


Open Theses

Title Supervisor Type
Sensing aided Communication in MIMO Benedikt Geiger, Daniel Gil Gaviria, Charlotte Muth MA
Combinatorial Design of Coded Caching Schemes Aravind Vijayalekshmi Rajendran BA/MA
Latency analysis of mesh networks using ray tracing (DE) Peter Rost MA
Anomaly detection of wireless channel with autoencoders (DE) Peter Rost MA
Efficient GPU Implementation of LDPC Decoder Erdem Eray Cil BA
Design of Quasi-Cyclic LDPC Codes for a Unified Coding Scheme Holger Jäkel, Jonathan Mandelbaum BA/MA
Design of a Distribution Matcher for Rate-Adaptive MacKay-Neal Codes Haizheng Li, Jonathan Mandelbaum MA
Developement of a ML-based multi-static JCAS System Daniel Gil Gaviria MA
Implementation and Test of a SDR Joint Communication and Sensing OFDM-Systems (DE) Daniel Gil Gaviria, Charlotte Muth BA
Development of an End-to-End Simulation Setup for 5G Networks (DE) Jonathan Ebert BA
FEC Code Design for Long Distance CV-QKD System Erdem Eray Cil BA/MA
Low-complexity Distributed Equalizers for Data Transmission Using Spatial Division Multiplexing (DE) Laurent Schmalen, Vincent Lauinger MA
Analysis and Implementation of Grassmannian Modulation for Non-Coherent MIMO Communications Andrej Rode MA
Design of a Channel Code for CV- QKD using Neural Networks Erdem Eray Cil MA
Polar Codes for CV-QKD System Erdem Eray Cil BA/MA
Design and Analysis of Novel Equalisation Concepts Based on Neural Networks (DE) Vincent Lauinger MA
Analysis and Application of Diffusion Models in Communications (DE) Vincent Lauinger MA
Code Design of Non-binary Parity-Check Codes Holger Jäkel, Jonathan Mandelbaum MA
Ressourcenzuweisung mittels Spiking Neural Network-basierten Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithmen Eike-Manuel Edelmann MA
Optimization of Hybrid Beamforming for Joint Communication and Sensing (DE) Charlotte Muth BA
Investigation of Semantic Communications in 6G Mobile Communications (DE) Laurent Schmalen MA

Theses In Progress

Title Supervisor Type
Message Prediction for 5G Network using Machine Learning Jonathan Ebert MA
Exploring Scalability and Performance in 5G Networks through Digital Twin Simulations with OMNeT++/Simu5G Lars Gölz MA
Ensemble Decoding of Polar Codes (DE) Jonathan Mandelbaum BA
Design of Quasi-Cyclic LDPC Codes for Unsourced Multiple-Access Jonathan Mandelbaum, Moritz Luca Schmid MA
Efficient Handover Protocol in Cellular Networks: a MADDPG-controlled Multi-Agent Learning Approach Johannes Voigt MA
Construction of Finite Length Quantum Error Correcting Codes (DE) Sisi Miao MA
Improving Neural Belief Propagation (NBP) decoder for QLDPC codes (DE) Sisi Miao MA
Optimization of Gallager B Decoder Over Binary Symmetric Channels (DE) Sisi Miao BA
Analysis of NN-based Beamforming with Angle-of-Arrival Tracking (DE) Charlotte Muth MA


Open ETIT Projects

Title Supervisor

There are currently no open projects/internships.

ETIT Projects In Progress

Title Supervisor

There are currently no projects/internships in progress.

Finished Theses (Selection)

  • Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity-trained Spiking Neural Networks for Classification of AWGN-disturbed Quadrature Amplitude Modulation Symbols (B.Sc.)
  • Optimization of Puncturing and Shortening Patterns of Error Correcting Codes Using Machine Learning (B.Sc.)
  • Development of a Reinforcement Learning Agent for OFDM Resource Allocation (M.Sc.)
  • A Nonorthogonal Approach to Multiple Access in Coherent Optical Communication Systems (M.Sc.)
  • Empirical Analysis of URLLC in 5G Networks under Packet Duplication (B.Sc.)
  • Analysis of a Novel Decoder for Reed-Muller Codes (B.Sc.)
  • Analysis of Product and Staircase Codes for Communications over Erasure Channels (B.Sc.)
  • Receiver Optimization for Fiber-Optical Communications using Neural Networks (B.Sc.)
  • Design and Analysis of Receiver Algorithms based on Deep Neural Networks for Optical Fibre Communications (M.Sc.)
  • Analysis of Non-Linear Behaviour in Fiber-Optical Transmission Systems (B.Sc.)
  • Real-Time Capable Implementation of Channel Diagonalization for a MIMO Transceiver (B.Sc.)
  • Compensation of Nonlinearities in Complex Multicarrier Systems using Neural Networks (M.Sc.)
  • Polarization of Reed-Muller Codes (M.Sc.)
  • Analysis and Implementation of Orthogonal Time Frequency Space Modulation (M.Sc.)
  • Non-Binary Low-Density Parity-Check Codes (M.Sc.)
  • Analysis and Processing of PCI Express Signals (B.Sc.)
  • End-to-End Optimization of MIMO Systems using Autoencoders based on Deep Learning (M.Sc.)
  • Evaluation of Machine Learning and Deep Neural Networks for Cognitive Radio Interweave Systems (M.Sc.)
  • Influence of Non-Linearities on FBMC Transmissions (B.Sc.)