Welcome to the Communications Engineering Lab (CEL)

Please contact the secretary only via sekretariat@cel.kit.edu until further notice.

 Sisi Miao
Successful SCC 2025 in Karlsruhe

The Communications Engineering Lab (CEL) organized the 14th ITG Conference on Systems, Communications and Coding (SCC) in Karlsruhe from March 10 to 13, 2025. With high-profile keynotes, engaging presentations, and poster sessions, SCC provided an excellent platform for exchange between academia and industry on the latest technological innovations in communication technology. A diverse social program completed the successful conference.

Conference Website
 Jonathan Mandelbaum
4th Open6G Southwest Coding Workshop

On July 21, 2024, the 4th Open6G Southwest Coding Workshop took place at the CEL in collaboration with the EMS of RPTU and INÜ of the University of Stuttgart. The workshop provided a platform for experts from the region to exchange information on the latest developments in channel coding, particularly for the upcoming 6G mobile communication standard. A significant part of the workshop was the exchange on the Open6G Codeproposal for 6G. Innovative approaches and potential challenges were discussed intensively.

Full Workshop Report
Student Excursion to Nokia Bell Labs

On the excursion on May 22, 2024, 17 students gained insights into the research and development at Nokia Bell Labs. The event began with exciting technical presentations and an overview of the latest and most innovative topics in telecommunications technology. These include Passive Optical Networks (PON), THz waves, Integrated Communication and Sensing (ICAS), 5G, 6G, and everything else related to tomorrow’s communication technology. During a subsequent lab tour, participants had the opportunity to experience the technology up close, and there was a rich exchange of ideas. Many thanks to everyone who made this day possible!

14th International ITG Conference on Systems, Communications and Coding (SCC) Organized by KIT

We are delighted to announce the 14th International ITG Conference on Systems, Communications and Coding (SCC) which will take place at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology on March 10th-13th, 2025. You can find further information on the conference website.

Conference Website
Tag der offenen Tür Campus West 2024 Timetable
Open Doors Day on Campus West

On Thursday, June 20, 2024, Open Doors Day on Campus West takes place starting at 2pm. All student and employees are welcome to join.

 Holger Jäkel
Institute Seminar in Palm Springs

CEL staff kicked off the summer semester at the beginning of April with a three-day institute seminar, which included presentations and discussions on the institute's current research topics. The seminar took place in Palm Springs in the Black Forest and, in addition to the technical activities, also included a hike, barbecue, a communal cooking evening and board games.

Mob-Com Workshop VorschauJonathan Ebert
New Mobile Communication Workshop starting this semester

The Communications Engineering Lab (CEL) complements the lectures Mobile Communications I and II with a workshop which allows for getting hands-on experience.

Link to the workshop
Laurent Schmalen Elevated to IEEE Fellow

Prof. Laurent Schmalen has been elevated to the grade of an IEEE Fellow. He is being recognized for his contributions to the design of error correction and modulation techniques for optical networks. The IEEE grade of Fellow is conferred by the IEEE Board of Directors upon a person with an outstanding record of accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest. The total number selected in any one year cannot exceed one-tenth of one- percent of the total voting membership. IEEE Fellow is the highest grade of membership and is recognized by the technical community as a prestigious honor and an important career achievement.

Lukas Rapp with certificateLukas Rapp
Science Award of the Gisela and Erwin Sick Foundation

The Science Award of the Gisela and Erwin Sick Foundation, honours both fundamental and application-oriented research in the KCIST research area. The Best Thesis Award 2020 was given to Mr. Lukas Rapp his bachelor thesis conducated at CEL. The title of his thesis was "Analysis of product and staircase codes for data transmission over channels with errors and erasures". Our congratulations go to the award recipient!

[Link to publication related to the thesis]

Link to the KCIST web page
Person am Laptop
Final Theses at the CEL

We have multiple open topics for bachelor and master theses. If you are reaching the end of your bachelor or master studies and are interested in a final thesis in the field of communications engineering, please contact us directly. We have multiple open theses in different fields of telecommunications. Our scientific staff will support you with all means to carry out your thesis. We are happy to offer you a variety of interesting topics in the exciting world of communications engineering despite the current situation.


Open Topics
JobsCC-BY creditscoregeek.com
Open Positions as PostDoc and PhD Candidate

The CEL has multiple open positions as Postdoc and/or PhD candidate working on energy efficient communication systems and 6G technologies using a variety of techniques including machine learning and information theory.


Apply now!

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NeuCos logo with brain
Workshop "Neuromorphic High-Speed Communications"

We are delighted to announce that the CEL will organize the first workshop on Neuromorphic High-Speed Communications (NeuCos) which will take place virtually on the 9th of December 2021 in Karlsruhe. The workshop will be  jointly organized with the ICT group of the Technical University of Eindhoven (TU/e). More details can be found on the workshop page.

Workshop page
CEL is part of the Open6GHub initiative and will carry out fundamental research on the upcoming 6G system

The CEL is part of the Open6GHub initiative, which will carry out fundamental research on the future 6G mobile communication system in the next four years. The initiative is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and led by the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) in Kaiserslautern. Together with 16 other German partners (11 universities and 5 research institutions), the hub will define the fundamentals of an open future 6G system in an end-to-end perspective. The team at CEL will be responsible for carrying out basic and fundamental research on the physical layer of the 6G system.


DFKI press release
JLT AwardJournal of Lightwave Technology
The "Journal of Lightwave Technology Best Paper Award" goes to CEL

A team led by Prof. Laurent Schmalen from the CEL has been awarded this years "Best Paper Award" of the IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology. The award recognizes the paper that has been most cited in the past three years. The awarded publication considers the design of novel optical communication systems using machine learning techniques.

Publication on IEEE